Life Insurance

Life insurance, which can also be known as life assurance or life cover, is a type of cover that provides your loved ones with financial support if you die. It can help minimise the financial impact your death has on your loved ones and offer peace of mind to those you care about most.

Life Insurance can protect those closest to us in their time of need. Most of us would like to think that when our lives come to an end we’ll be old and our family will be financially secure. Sadly, this isn’t always the reality. We never know what life has in store for us but wouldn’t it be reassuring to know that our lifestyle will be maintained and our families cared for?

Life Insurance is designed to pay out a lump sum if you were to die during the term of the plan. There are lots of options to choose from. You might want to just cover the cost of your funeral or you may want to cover your children until they are adults and have the means to support themselves.

Here at The Financial Guys it is our aim to provide custom financial solutions to suit individual needs.


Your property may be repossessed if you do not keep up repayments on your mortgage. The Financial Guys fees are payable on application. We may charge a broker fee of up to £695 depending on the nature/amount of work involved.

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